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来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - Cristina + Hugo / highlights, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - Catarina + Nelson, wedding
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来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - mystery of love - wedding highlights, engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - a love symphony, engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - act of love . wedding highlights, engagement, musical video, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - alentejo, alentejo : wedding short film, engagement, musical video, reporting, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - wedding highlights RITA + ADRIEN / La Ville d’Étoiles, engagement, musical video, reporting, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - EPINASSEY. FULLY / wedding teaser, engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - Bride To Be \ QUARTZ wedding films \ 2019, engagement, event, reporting, showreel, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - Há mar e mar - a wedding film story ( Ana / Ricardo ), engagement, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 OKO Stories - I Carry Your Heart - a wedding film story ( Ana / Gil ), wedding

act of love . wedding highlights

Maria Inês & António
Local: Quinta do Careto
Beja, 2019.

Um vídeo de QUARTZ visual lab
Captação: Andreia Carvalho e Joana Ferro
Edição: Andreia Carvalho

Fotografia: Lia Rodrigues | e-motions photography + Sofia Batista Photography
Animação Musical: Hugo Soft
Wedding Planner: merce.design.pt
Vestido: Ana Javgureanu Atelier
Fato do noivo: Dielmar
Sapatos: Lemon | Rouge
Makeup Artist : Catarina Serrano
Florista: Nuno Baganha
Decoração: merce.design.pt
Bolo dos noivos: Sweets of Lala ♡ Cake Design
Videographer OKO Stories
波尔图, 葡萄牙


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