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Video of the day
December 21, 2020
Winner of the Battle of the week
5 — 11 June 2021
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - WEDDING SHOWREEL 2020 // FiestaFamily, engagement, event, showreel, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9 June 2021
Editors' choice
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Wedding in Italy Alexander & Vasilisa, drone-video, engagement, event, musical video, wedding
Video of the day
September 26, 2019
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Showreel'18, drone-video, event, showreel, wedding
Video of the day
April 11, 2020
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Wedding in Italy | Maksim & Anna, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Video of the day
September 2, 2019
Winner of the Battle of the week
28 July — 3 August 2020
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - SDE | Vlad & Ekaterina | Влад и Екатерина, SDE, backstage, drone-video, event, wedding
Video of the day
June 6, 2019
Winner of the Battle of the week
1 — 7 August 2020
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Грузия. Свадебный клип Романа и Марины || Georgia. Wedding clip of Roman and Marina, SDE, engagement, wedding
Video of the day
January 25, 2020
Winner of the Battle of the week
27 November — 3 December 2020
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Rem & Yana | Рем и Яна, backstage, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
15 — 21 February 2020
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Свадебный клип Евгения и Екатерины || FiestaFamily, SDE, backstage, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
25 — 31 May 2021
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Никах Айрат и Алина || Nikah Airat and Alina, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - SDE | Pavel & Anastasiya | Павел и Анастасия, SDE, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Тизер свадьбы Павла и Дарьи || Teaser Wedding day of Paul and Daria, drone-video, event, showreel, wedding
Videographer Fiesta Family from Samara, Russia - Alexey & Leyla wedding, SDE, drone-video, engagement, invitation, wedding
Video of the day
June 6, 2019
Winner of the Battle of the week
1 — 7 August 2020

Грузия. Свадебный клип Романа и Марины || Georgia. Wedding clip of Roman and Marina

Волнительная и необыкновенная природа Грузии, романтическая и трепетная атмосфера, и самые чудесные улыбки наших друзей, а теперь ещё и молодоженов - Марины и Романа! Что только не объединила эта свадьба: и холмистые склоны горнолыжного курорта "Гадаури", и национальный колорит, и сборы в горах, и мотивы "Mgzavrebi", и десятки съёденных хинкали - ммм...
·20,715 views·#SDE#engagement#wedding
Studio Fiesta Family
Samara, Russia


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