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Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - #yatsanavov, wedding
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - circulus, event, reporting
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - compositis (WEVAvardEdition), showreel, wedding
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - Flowers In Her Hair, event, wedding
Video of the day
September 26, 2017
Winner of the Battle of the week
18 — 24 November 2017
Editors' choice
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - My life, my love, wedding
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - hostwinds, wedding
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - Baida”R”King. Сплав по Волго-Ахтубинской пойме, reporting, sport
Video of the day
June 19, 2017
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - Silent witness (WEVAvardEdition), event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
24 February — 2 March 2017
Videographer Rival Abdullaev from Moscow, Russia - vitae (showreel2016), reporting, showreel, wedding

Baida”R”King. Сплав по Волго-Ахтубинской пойме

???? "Байдаркинг" Харабали-Селитренное. 2 байдарки (Таймень и Нева), 43 километра, 4 человека, тонна впечатлений.
·14,741 views·#reporting#sport
Videographer Rival Abdullaev
Moscow, Russia


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