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Video of the day
July 4, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - RUBÉN + VANE:A SHORT FILM, wedding
Video of the day
April 7, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - ÁNGEL + AMANDA:A SHORT FILM, wedding
Video of the day
April 13, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - TINO + PILI:LOVE STORY
Video of the day
March 23, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - RAQUEL + CARLOS:LOVE STORY, engagement
Video of the day
March 3, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - JOSE + MAUXI:A SHORT FILM, wedding
Video of the day
February 7, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - JORGE + PAULA:LOVE STORY
Video of the day
January 19, 2013
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - TOÑO + CELIA: TRASH THE DRESS, engagement
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - DANI + VANESSA:A SHORT FILM, wedding
Video of the day
December 15, 2012
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - ÁNGEL + MARÍA:A SHORT FILM, wedding
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - JORGE + RAQUEL: WEDDING FILM, wedding
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - DIEGO + VANESA:LOVE STORY, engagement
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - OSCAR + CRUZ:LOVE STORY, engagement
Videographer Victor Manuel Rodriguez Argibay from Cadiz, Spain - PILAR + JORGE:A SHORT FILM, wedding
Video of the day
January 19, 2013


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    • Deleted Antonio Domingo
      Que te digo que no te dijese? Pues eso, ya esta todo dicho paisano, sigue disfrutando para que los demás lo hagamos contigo