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Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Lavinia & Andrei, drone-video, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Denisa & Cătălin, drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Promisiune, drone-video, event, wedding
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Gender Reveal - Côte d’Azur, SDE
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Cristina & Robert, engagement, event, wedding
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Save the date D&C, drone-video, engagement, event, invitation, wedding
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Guide to love, wedding
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Stealing the groom, humour
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - Call me by your name, drone-video, engagement, event, musical video, wedding
Video of the day
March 14, 2023
Videographer Ca-n Filme from Bucharest, Romania - In one kiss you know all I haven't said, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding

Gender Reveal - Côte d’Azur

A avea copii este un dar neprețuit, care aduce o schimbare imensă și minunată în viața unei familii. Copiii sunt o binecuvântare care ne învață multe lecții despre iubire necondiționată...
·3,478 views·#SDE
Videographer Ca-n Filme
Bucharest, Romania


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