Ceremony 2025
Live broadcast
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Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - [EMOTiONS] Almir Nailya - HighLights, SDE
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - Maxim Alevtina | SDE Highlights, SDE, wedding
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - Maksim and Svetlana || SDE, SDE, wedding
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - Yurii ana Kate | Highlights, SDE, drone-video, wedding
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - Victor and Anastasiya | SDE, SDE
Video of the day
October 18, 2019
Editors' choice
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - Mountains Between Us, engagement, wedding
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO from Kazan, Russia - Aleksei and Evgenia | SDE, SDE

[EMOTiONS] Almir Nailya - HighLights

Безупречная классика, перемешанная со слезами счастья, благодарности, приправленная детскими шалостью и смехом, нанизанное сюрпризами и теплыми словами.
Грандиозное и в то же время нежное и утонченное, в какие-то моменты даже очень камерное, семейное, торжество Альмира и Наили
An impeccable classic mixed with tears of happiness, gratitude, seasoned with childish pranks and laughter, imparted with surprises and warm words.
Grand and at the same time tender and refined, at some moments even very chamber, family, celebration of Almir and Nailya
·4,115 views·#SDE
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO
Kazan, Russia


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