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Winner of the Battle of the week
10 — 16 April 2024
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - ❤ LOVE STORY ❤, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
4 — 10 December 2023
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - CLARISA E MATTEO, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2 — 8 December 2023
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - Luigi // Debora, wedding
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - Matteo // Francesca, wedding
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - #MemoriesOf Summer2022, SDE, baby
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - THE KLYMA || NO SHELTER, musical video
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - Eduardo De Felice - Il dubbio e la certezza, musical video
Videographer MASSIMO SARNATARO from Naples, Italy - PITOM || Variante Alta, sport

Eduardo De Felice - Il dubbio e la certezza

il nuovo singolo di Eduardo De Felice che anticipa l'uscita dell'album "Ordine e disordine" prevista per Ottobre 2020 sotto etichetta Apogeo Records.
·3,028 views·#musical video
Naples, Italy


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