Videographer Bogdan Kibyuk

Videographer Bogdan Kibyuk

LIczba wygranych w Głównych Konkursach
Wideo dnia
Wybór redakcji
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Całkowity wynik za 20 najwyżej ocenianych filmów w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat

O mnie

Kategoria cenowa:Standard
BK Studio - is a young, promising and dynamically growing art studio that has been developing video projects not only in Ukraine, but also all over the world. All our successes/ achievements - are the work of a young and talented team, whose experience in the field of photo and video production, combined with the most modern facilities makes it possible to maximize the potential of our team. There is Acting School at the Studio
Użytkownik WEVSY.COM z 18 maja 2016