24,015 / 55,064
Filmowiec Valerio D’Andrassi z Rzym, Włochy - Martina & Flavio, wedding
Filmowiec Vasili Kaluhin z Mińsk, Białoruś - Serenity, event, wedding
Filmowiec Alexey Xod z Wilno, Litwa - R ᴥ M | Wedding  [4K UltraHD], wedding
Filmowiec Sergei Checha z Nowy Jork, Stany Zjednoczone - Giuseppe and Anastasia | Castle Wedding, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2 — 8 maja 2020
Filmowiec Maxim Kaplya z Rostów nad Donem, Rosja - Artem & Darya, wedding
Filmowiec Andrey Kesler z Mikołajów, Ukraina - Sean + Megan Wedding Film, drone-video, event, musical video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9 maja 2020
Filmowiec Vanessa and Ivo z Guimaraes, Portugalia - Areias do Seixo Wedding, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
22 — 28 lipca 2020
Filmowiec Obiektywni Grupa z Gdańsk, Polska - Alice in Wonderland, wedding
Filmowiec Gilberto Cerrone z Salerno, Włochy - Wedding in Vietri Sul Mare Amalfi Coast, wedding
Filmowiec Daniil May z Charków, Ukraina - Teaser for the wedding of Andrey and Sofiya, wedding
Filmowiec Denis Kovalev z Moskwa, Rosja - YuraKatya, wedding
Filmowiec Mitato Films z Sitia, Grecja - Mihali’s Christening // The Highlights, baby
Filmowiec Mitato Films z Sitia, Grecja - Giorgos Christening // The Highlights, baby
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9 maja 2020

Areias do Seixo Wedding

Riding in a tuk-tuk while filming is not the easiest of tasks. Our driver was good enough to speak about the city of Lisbon, overtake the bride and groom tuk – tuk and give us the best shots of the city!
Bari and Stephen had a multiple day wedding celebration and the tuk-tuk drive was part of the Lisbon experience, before a wonderful meal at Praia no Parque. But this was just a warm-up.

The big day happened at Areias do Seixo, a venue we wanted to visit since forever. Bari and Stephen had the most beautiful jewish ceremony, outside at an amazing setting, and we had the incredible honor of being surrounded by some of our favourite vendors – hi Evoke, hello Branco Prata!

After the ceremony the guests were treated to some tasty portuguese cuisine (canned sardines included!). Dinner was served at the Greenhouse – check out the amazing decor by the venue – and eventually the party moved back to the hotel. Let us tell you, these guys knew how to party! You’ll see more of that once we have the finished movie!
·3 172 odsłony·#drone-video#wedding
Videographer Vanessa and Ivo
Guimaraes, Portugalia


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Wybór redakcji

Wideo dnia
30 stycznia 2025
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ z Paryż, Francja - ALOU LAAAAA, wedding
Wideo dnia
8 grudnia 2023
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9 stycznia 2025
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Anthony Venitis z Ateny, Grecja - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
Wideo dnia
11 lutego 2024
Winner of the Battle of the week
5 — 11 marca 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Art & Roses Films z Bukareszt, Rumunia - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Wideo dnia
5 lutego 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Deux drôles  D’oiseaux z Paryż, Francja - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
Wideo dnia
13 lutego 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Aaron Kracke z Boston, Stany Zjednoczone - Emily & Tommy, wedding
Videographer Aaron Kracke
(Boston, Stany Zjednoczone)
Wideo dnia
22 lutego 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Art & Roses Films z Bukareszt, Rumunia - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding