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Filmowiec killa wijaya z Bali, Indonezja - ADIT & MAYA's WEDDING, wedding
Filmowiec killa wijaya z Bali, Indonezja - JIAYIN & RUIDI WEDDING//BALI, wedding
Filmowiec killa wijaya z Bali, Indonezja - Yair & Claudia //One Decade Down, Forever to Go, anniversary, wedding
Filmowiec killa wijaya z Bali, Indonezja - Bobby & Rachel, wedding

Bobby & Rachel

Bobby and rachel very passionate about GOD, they have a very beautiful wedding in Bali island, Bring all family and friends, it was happy to fiming them,, in the ceremony, and the reception they thanks to God a lot of times.....
·3 063 odsłony·#wedding
Videographer killa wijaya
Bali, Indonezja


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