9 / 11
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - Баллада о настоящей любви, engagement
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - Women's resourcefulness, wedding
Wideo dnia
28 maja 2011
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - On The Wings Of Love, wedding
Wideo dnia
17 maja 2011
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - В поисках счастья // SDE 30.04.11, wedding
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - Igor Korovin Photographer - part I, reporting
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - Igor Korovin Photographer - part II, reporting
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - I Love You Baby // highlights, wedding
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - Bride's Parade (Odessa-2010), reporting
Filmowiec Sigmart Odessa z Odessa, Ukraina - Dance Of Life, engagement

I Love You Baby // highlights

14 lat temu·60 139 odsłon·#wedding
Videographer Sigmart Odessa
Odessa, Ukraina


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