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Filmowiec Victor Ortega z Katania, Włochy - Gabriella & Bastien | Firenze, wedding
Filmowiec Victor Ortega z Katania, Włochy - Milia & Naji | Taormina, wedding
Filmowiec Victor Ortega z Katania, Włochy - Cibele, engagement, wedding

Gabriella & Bastien | Firenze

The amount of kilometres made by your guests to share with you such a beautiful experience is directly proportional to the amount of light you release those days.
We feel so lucky to be able to witness such a waterfalls of emotions; because emotions are the key for our inspiration!
Thanks Gabriella and Bastien to let us portrait “Your Sunny Days”.
·9 439 odsłon·#wedding
Videographer Victor Ortega
Katania, Włochy


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    • Videographer Alex Ost
      Good Job , Congratulations !!!
      Like my videos and Follow me please...