141 / 3,138
Filmowiec Ahmet kanmaz z Eskisehir, Turcja - Halime & Onurhan, drone-video, event, musical video, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec magicmediapl z Opole, Polska - Magicmedia Story wedding film, drone-video, event, reporting, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec magicmediapl z Opole, Polska - Ada & Joel wedding highlights, drone-video, event, reporting, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec magicmediapl z Opole, Polska - An Emotional & Cinematic Wedding Film | ŚLUB PAŁAC MOTO ŚLĄSK | Kasia - Krzysztof A Story of Love, event, musical video, reporting, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Nikola Gosic z Wiedeń, Austria - Embassy Wolfsberg - Finest Lifestyle - GOLF TURNIER, drone-video, event, showreel, sport
Filmowiec Viorel Mihail z Rzym, Włochy - Ana & Radu - Highligts, SDE, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Valerio Magliano z Amalfi, Włochy - nimbl Cycle short film, drone-video, showreel, sport, training video
Filmowiec Defrance Productions z Paryż, Francja - BRIDE'S JOURNEY // regal and splendor on a bride's journey at Chateau de Villette, advertising, drone-video, engagement, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Valerio Magliano z Amalfi, Włochy - Shiereen & Simon Destination wedding in Cimbrone, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Gerardo Storzillo z Salerno, Włochy - Trailer di Matrimonio descrivere un’emozione, drone-video, event, reporting, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Valerio Magliano z Amalfi, Włochy - Villa di Lilliano Love Charlie & Brendan, event, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Paleta Chwil z Gdańsk, Polska - Paleta Chwil - Showreel, event, showreel, wedding
Filmowiec Gulyaev Studio z Kijów, Ukraina - Wedding clip, SDE, showreel, wedding

nimbl Cycle short film

short film made by
for Nimble.cc
Nimbl is a brand of cycling shoes that specializes in creating high-performance footwear for road and gravel cycling. Their shoes feature a carbon fiber sole for stiffness and power transfer, a comfortable and breathable upper, and a precision fit for maximum control and efficiency. Nimbl cycling shoes are designed to be lightweight, durable, and aerodynamic, making them a popular choice for serious cyclists and racers. They offer a range of styles and colors to choose from, and their shoes are compatible with a variety of cleat systems. If you have any more questions about Nimbl cycling shoes, feel free to ask!Riding conditions change every day and during a ride. Sometimes an ultra-tight fit is required for an all-out effort. At other times, you just want to roll along. The on-the-fly adjustability allows you to choose the setting you need in any circumstance you might be faced with. The single dial BOA® Fit System creates an even pressure around the foot eliminating pressure points which equates to more comfortable feet."Made in Italy" is a term used to indicate that a product, in this case, a bicycle or cycling-related product, was manufactured in Italy. Italy has a long and rich tradition in the production of high-quality bicycles and cycling equipment, and many of the world's top cycling brands are based in Italy. The "Made in Italy" label is often associated with quality, style, and attention to detail, and many cyclists view Italian-made bicycles and components as some of the best available
Videographer Valerio Magliano
Amalfi, Włochy


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Wybór redakcji

Wideo dnia
30 stycznia 2025
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec ALEXANDRE DJANBAZ z Paryż, Francja - ALOU LAAAAA, wedding
Wideo dnia
8 grudnia 2023
Winner of the Battle of the week
3 — 9 stycznia 2025
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Anthony Venitis z Ateny, Grecja - Hope and a Future - Trailer // Wedding in Saint Tropez, drone-video, wedding
Wideo dnia
11 lutego 2024
Winner of the Battle of the week
5 — 11 marca 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Art & Roses Films z Bukareszt, Rumunia - Vanessa & Ian [Tulum Wedding], drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Wideo dnia
5 lutego 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Deux drôles  D’oiseaux z Paryż, Francja - Marisa & Ghislain - The Love Story, wedding
Wideo dnia
13 lutego 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Aaron Kracke z Boston, Stany Zjednoczone - Emily & Tommy, wedding
Videographer Aaron Kracke
(Boston, Stany Zjednoczone)
Wideo dnia
22 lutego 2024
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Art & Roses Films z Bukareszt, Rumunia - Lena & Stefan - Wedding at Aman Venice, Italy, drone-video, event, wedding