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Wideo dnia
26 lutego 2022
Wybór redakcji
Filmowiec Pattivana Co z Surabaja, Indonezja - Super Fun Couple || Ronald & Evelyn 's Pre-wedding, anniversary, wedding
Filmowiec Pattivana Co z Surabaja, Indonezja - A Unique Way to Love???? || Stanley & Adelina 's Pre-wedding, anniversary, engagement, wedding
Filmowiec Pattivana Co z Surabaja, Indonezja - An Extraordinary Story || The Pre-Wedding of Edgar & Meliana, anniversary, engagement, wedding

An Extraordinary Story || The Pre-Wedding of Edgar & Meliana

A couple with an extraordinary story.

Both of them had traveled to various places, and realization came to them the moment they met. They both were in the same places in their past adventures, but had never crosses each other.
And from that adventures, Chinese culture is so attached to Edgar, and uniquely, the Meliana family is very thick with Chinese culture too.

This is why Pattivana transformed their unique common things into a pre-wedding video with the concept of Chinese Oldies. We didn't forget to put the artistic nuances that are very thick, because Meliana herself is a graphic designer who has a high artistic spirit.

Finally it's great to hold a pre-wedding session that is able to tell stories about the couple themselves.
4 lata temu·1 838 odsłon·#anniversary#engagement#wedding
Videographer Pattivana Co
Surabaja, Indonezja


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