26 / 42
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Destination Wedding 4K | from Netherland to Sicily, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Un Eterno Istante, anniversary, engagement, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Destination Wedding in Sicily, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - TECUM "con Te", drone-video, engagement, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
24 — 30 grudnia 2021
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - An elegant story of love, engagement, event, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Moments of Life |Wedding Chiara and Fabio, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
26 sierpnia — 1 września 2021
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Engagement Wedding Viviana and Gabriele, engagement, event, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - The Moon of Love, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - A true Love Story, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
30 sierpnia — 5 września 2021
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Love on the Way | from Castello di Solanto Sicily, drone-video, engagement, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - Wedding events |Floral Designer, advertising, corporate video, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
28 sierpnia — 3 września 2021
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - details of a love story | Destination Wedding, engagement, event, wedding
Filmowiec Bruno Tedeschi z Palermo, Włochy - La Natura è Donna, abbine cura sempre., engagement, event
Winner of the Battle of the week
26 sierpnia — 1 września 2021

Engagement Wedding Viviana and Gabriele

L'amore ti porta in un mondo parallelo dove il tempo rallenta, ti avvolge, ti dona tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno...

Sicilia, terra d'amore e di poesia...
·4 101 odsłon·#engagement#event#wedding
Videographer Bruno Tedeschi
Palermo, Włochy


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