7 / 10
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - Skill to create emotion..., backstage
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - Snow in your eyes. SDE wedding, SDE
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May 23, 2015
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - Trailer Rock Line 2014, musical video
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - На краю неба, engagement
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Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - Еvery girl dreams about a prince..., wedding
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Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - Coffee is my true passion, my life..., advertising
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March 4, 2015
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - OUR DREAM. Prague in the autumn., wedding
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October 18, 2014
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic -  ...is just one moon, engagement
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - Экспресс монтаж со свадьбы наших дорогих и родных Юры и Вики Байда!, SDE
Videographer Movie  Park from Prague, Czech Republic - SDE 10/10/14 Perm/Rain, SDE
Video of the day
March 4, 2015

OUR DREAM. Prague in the autumn.

Чехия, Прага. Прекрасная страна, прекрасная пара

Организация свадьбы "Свадебный гид"
Видеосъемка Movie park
Принимающее агентство Fiance
Фотосъемка Валерий Букирев
Ведущий Семен Фарина
Флористика Ольга Болотова
Детали Наталья Пономарева
Подбор свадебных образов Show room Ажур
Визажист Елена Крылова
Парикмахер Евгения Сивкова
Принимающее агентство Fiance
Замок Шато Мцелы
·21,394 views·#wedding
Videographer Movie  Park
Prague, Czech Republic


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