16 / 19
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Olga & Alexey
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Antonio José & Inma // HIGHLIGHTS
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Petra & Ivan - wedding clip
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Azat and Tatiana - Wedding in Prague
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Your love
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - "Um Dia Para Sempre"
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Pavel & Tatyana
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - intro - Eduard and Ekaterina / Эдуард и Екатерина
Contest 2012 - Best Video Editor - Свадьба в Музее Мебели

LoveStory Ильдар & Гульназ - "Your love is a NOT lie"

Videographer Ruzal Akhmadyshev
Kazan, Russia