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Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - Incorrigible, drone-video, engagement
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - Инопланетяни, engagement, musical video, training video
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - “Дорога довжиною в життя”, backstage, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
8 mars 2021
Editors' choice
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - “Зима в Заречье”, corporate video, event
Video of the day
24 septembre 2020
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - “Boundless”, event, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
11 août 2020
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - Sapphire, anniversary, engagement, event, training video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
08 — 14/mars/2021
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - Andrey and Ksenia, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - Hallowmas, drone-video, reporting, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - В области Сердца., engagement, event, musical video, reporting, wedding
Video of the day
3 janvier 2019
Editors' choice
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - INFINITY, engagement, erotic, wedding
Editors' choice
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - E  L  E  C  T  R  O  N  E  O  N, engagement
Editors' choice
Videographer Dima Raduga from Moscou, Russie - Люби, engagement


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    • Videographer Konstantin Kamenetsky
      Шикарный фильм на много опережающий свое время!!! Приятно было побывать на премьере)
      • Videographer Dima Raduga
        Коська! От души друг, брат, любовь! С большим уважением, твой Дима!!!
    • Videographer IVAN VLASOV
      Проникновенно, гармонично, тонко прочувствовано и как всегда фирмово, шикардос!