16 / 18
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Beutifull Family Moments.., SDE, baby
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Mixalis & Eleni | A beautiful wedding in the island of Syros, SDE, drone-video, wedding
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - ONO Concept | Syros | Your island on the Island !, SDE, advertising, corporate video, drone-video
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Kimwn’s Baptism film, SDE, baby, wedding
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Giannis & Flora | A summer wedding in Syros, SDE, drone-video, erotic, wedding
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Pantelis & Isabella | Wedding in Syros, Greece, SDE, drone-video, wedding
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Pantelis & Isabella | coming soon, wedding
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Thanos & Nelly | Destination Wedding in Syros | coming soon, wedding
来自 希腊 的摄像师 George  Roussos - Labros & Molly | A Wedding in Syros | The wedding clip, wedding

Pantelis & Isabella | coming soon

An elegant wedding in the island of Syros
·3,315 浏览量·#wedding


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