4 / 17
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Blanca & Sergiu, anniversary, engagement, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Aleksandra&Alex, anniversary, event, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Sair-Tan / dressed imagination, advertising, corporate video, drone-video, event
Winner of the Battle of the week
2020-11-8 — 14
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Land of Memories!, drone-video, event, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Suntem facuti sa daruim si sa primim iubire!, SDE, anniversary, event
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - We own the future., anniversary, invitation, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Every sunrise is a poem! ➠COMING SOON, anniversary, drone-video, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Ada&Ahmed - Wedding Teaser, event, invitation, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - THE LIGHT HOUSE, anniversary, drone-video, wedding
来自 巴克乌, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 CSART FILM - Toi et Moi à Paris!, anniversary, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2020-11-8 — 14

Land of Memories!

????“Iubirea este singura care marchează cu adevărat viața” Emoția e un sentiment pur, inocent și dă culoare vieții. Fără ea, fără dragoste, am fi toți niște roboți.
Povestea de iubire a celor doi Maria si Ovidiu, ne face să simțim cu adevărat ce înseamnă dragostea!
????Vizionare plăcută!
➡︎Photography - Andrei Via
➡︎Videography - CSART FILM
➡︎Locație - Cinque Terre / Italy
➡︎Bride&Groom - Maria Ilisei & Prundeanu Tudor Ovidiu
·5,663 浏览量·#drone-video#event#wedding
Videographer CSART FILM
巴克乌, 罗马尼亚


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