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来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - HIDE AND SICK, musical video
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - Song of Time | Short film, engagement, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - The Hands you hold | Trailer, engagement, event, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - Here is that rainy day | Trailer, engagement, event, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - Our Journey begins today | Trailer, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - Between the shadow and the soul | Short Film, engagement, event, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - LOVE IS A HEARTBEAT | Short Film, engagement, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - LOVE IS A HEARTBEAT | Teaser, engagement, event, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - 千里姻緣一線牽  Panta Rhei | Film, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - UKIYO | Film, engagement, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - ECHOES | Film, engagement, wedding
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 evergreen videografi - UKIYO | Teaser, engagement, wedding

Between the shadow and the soul | Short Film

Between the shadow and the soul
Film Diary of Gaia and Dom
Destination wedding in Italy - Bergamo

Directed by evergreen
Film makers Luigia Pansera, Giuseppe Colonese

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Graded with FORMA Luts | SONDER

Poem by Pablo Neruda
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
·4,416 浏览量·#engagement#event#wedding
Videographer evergreen videografi
罗马, 意大利


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