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来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 killa wijaya - ADIT & MAYA's WEDDING, wedding
来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 killa wijaya - JIAYIN & RUIDI WEDDING//BALI, wedding
来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 killa wijaya - Yair & Claudia //One Decade Down, Forever to Go, anniversary, wedding
来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 killa wijaya - Bobby & Rachel, wedding


jiayin and ruidi have been together for 10 years, they have felt that they are soulmates since the first meeting, this is an amazing relationship and then they choose Bali, bring family and friend .and accidentally they also choose the same poem to begin their vow,,,,,,
·3,793 浏览量·#wedding
Videographer killa wijaya
巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚


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