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来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - High In The Sky│Showreel 2018, drone-video, showreel
来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - Míša & Honza│Chateau Klokočov, wedding
来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - Ještěd SkyRace│Aftermovie 2018│Director’s Cut, drone-video, event, reporting, sport
来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - Honza & Míša│Český Těšín, Czech Rep., drone-video, event, musical video, wedding
来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - Iron City, Germany│Teaser 2018, advertising, drone-video, event, invitation
来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - Pavlína & Tomáš│Žabovřesky, Czech Rep., drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2019-6-1 — 7
来自 布拉格, 捷克 的摄像师 Miroslav Prousek - BMW M5 2018 in 1 minute, advertising, corporate video, drone-video

High In The Sky│Showreel 2018

Take a look at my journey through 2018. This was the year when I became a licenced drone pilot and when I upgraded my gear again. But my motto is still the same: quality over quantity. Find out more at studionavara.cz Facebook: fb.com/studionavara
Instagram: instagram.com/studionavara
·5,506 浏览量·#drone-video#showreel
Videographer Miroslav Prousek
布拉格, 捷克


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