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来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Alexandros Karypidis - Pashalis + Afroditi, drone-video, wedding
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Alexandros Karypidis - Thomas & Giota | Wedding Film, drone-video, wedding
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Alexandros Karypidis - Journey to Eternity, drone-video
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Alexandros Karypidis - Melisi Christening of Maria!, baby
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Alexandros Karypidis - Thessaloniki Wedding Film of Theodoros + Stavroula, wedding
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Alexandros Karypidis - Thessaloniki Pre-wedding Thomas-Giwta, engagement, wedding

Journey to Eternity

Our Showreel!
Aerial Stories is a department of AK | VISUALS responsible for the cinematic aerial footage (videos & photos) with an emphasis on storytelling.

Have a Project? Or an Idea?
Contact: info@aerialstories.eu

#Cinematography #Storytelling #Emotion
·9,660 浏览量·#drone-video
Videographer Alexandros Karypidis
萨罗尼加, 希腊


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