17 / 30
Winner of the Battle of the week
2019-6-5 — 11
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Evgeniy and Elmira | SDE - Highlights, SDE
Winner of the Battle of the week
2019-1-18 — 24
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Vladimir and Alina | Highlights, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2020-6-25 — 7-1
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Andrey and Maria | Highlights | Santorini, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Joel & Anastasiya | SDE Highlights | Italy, SDE
Winner of the Battle of the week
2018-11-26 — 12-2
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - NIKITA & MARINA || Wedding Highlights, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - The way of love | Live story, engagement
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Masks | Live Story, engagement
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Sasha and Vera || Live story, drone-video, reporting, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Adel & Malika || Wedding Film, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Andrey & Nadya // Wedding film // Italy 2015, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Airat and Ilsiyar || Wedding Highlights, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Sergey and Nastya || Wedding Highlights, drone-video, reporting, wedding
来自 喀山, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 EMOTiONS PRO - Alexey & Anastasiia || Wedding film || Santorini, Greece, wedding

Masks | Live Story

Someone accidentally meets a loved one, and someone conquers it, seeks, does not let go, passes tests by circumstances.
An unusual story is just an allegory of the path of two hearts to each other.
Conceptual Live Story by Alexander and Guzely.

Кто-то случайно встречает любимого человека, а кто-то завоевывает его, ищет, не отпускает, проходит испытания обстоятельствами.
Необычный сюжет — лишь аллегория пути двух сердец к друг другу.
Концептуальная Live Story Александра и Гузели.
·12,384 浏览量·#engagement
Videographer EMOTiONS PRO
喀山, 俄罗斯


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