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来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 Gungwah Utet - Prewedding of Perdana & Sagung, drone-video, event, wedding
来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 Gungwah Utet - NDE (next day edit) The Wedding of Yamato & Yuki at Villa Atas Ombak, drone-video, wedding
来自 巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚 的摄像师 Gungwah Utet - Trailer G30S by expave, drone-video, training video

Trailer G30S by expave

Trailer movie from student for homework
·9,695 浏览量·#drone-video#training video
Videographer Gungwah Utet
巴厘岛, 印度尼西亚


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