1 / 15
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Scrisoare pentru Edi, baby, event
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Ana Cristina & Dragos / I wish..., event, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Roxana & Greg / You owe me to love me!, event, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Dana & Lucian / To the LoveMobile!, event, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Emilia & Florin - Wedding Highlights, event, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Irina & Tanase / Wedding Highlights, event, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Claudiu Petrescu - Alin & Loredana / Tequila Wedding Shots, engagement, event, wedding

Scrisoare pentru Edi

Claudiu Petrescu | Videografie de nuntă
Web: http://claudiupetrescu.ro
Email: contact@claudiupetrescu.ro
·13,096 浏览量·#baby#event
Videographer Claudiu Petrescu
苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚


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    • Videographer Alex Ost
      Good Job , Congratulations !!!
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