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来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - LOVE TALE : il più grande spettacolo dopo il big bang, engagement, musical video
来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - Andrea & Debora highlights, Viareggio -Tuscany highlights, wedding
来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - Nicholas & Karisma, British/ Hindu wedding in Tuscany, wedding
来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS II, anniversary, corporate video
来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - Simei Enovitis, advertising, invitation, reporting
来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - ELLEDUE ARREDI - The Movie, advertising, corporate video
来自 科莫, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Schenoni - wedding video showreel 2013 , showreel, wedding

wedding video showreel 2013

The name Nitrato d'Argento (silver nitrate)
is a tribute to Cinema and Photography,
to their essence,
to the main compound used in these arts to comunicate emotions.
Silver salts give birth to the image in the film when they are hit by light,
they react and the negative impresses,
it's imprinted ... forever.
·26,129 浏览量·#showreel#wedding
Videographer Marco Schenoni
科莫, 意大利


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