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来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Artem & Luchia - Wedding, wedding
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Dima & Victoria - Tuscany Wedding, wedding
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Emil & Lenie - Wedding, wedding
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Wedding Inspiration in Crimea, wedding
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Gleb & Sasha - Wedding, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Вдох. Kazbegi, Georgia., event, reporting, training video
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Andrey & Katya - Wedding in Crimea, drone-video, wedding
来自 莫斯科, 俄罗斯 的摄像师 Takprosto Studio - Цель: вдохновение. Wedding Inspiration. Crimea, cape Aya, backstage, event, reporting, wedding

Dima & Victoria - Tuscany Wedding

That's the thing, we really couldn't wait to meet these guys for more than a year!
Having started chatting at april 2016 we finally met each other at august 2017 in Tuscany, Italy at their beautiful wedding day. Now we reminisce this day with a smile. Thank you for your trust, for your patience and kindness. We appreciate it!

Location: Tuscany, Italy
Video: Takprosto Studio | takprosto.tv
Photo: Sergey Tereshenko | sergeytereshenko.com
·18,268 浏览量·#wedding
Studio Takprosto Studio
莫斯科, 俄罗斯


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