10 / 14
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Antonela & Alex - Best Moments, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Loredana & Daniel - Best Moments, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Oana & Florin - Highlights, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Boda en Asturias - Alina & Diego (Trailer), wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Daniela & Dragoș - Best Moments, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Ioana & Marius - Best Moments, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Adriana and Stephanie - Their first story, baby
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Otilia & Silviu - Preview, engagement, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Emma Andreea - The Christening, baby
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Traditional wedding in Bukovina, event, reporting, wedding
来自 苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Daniel Vatamanu - Adriana & Alexandru - Highlights, wedding

Adriana and Stephanie - Their first story

Every night she called "The Angel", Adriana called for a sister to call "Stephi". This is their first story, Adriana and Stephanie.
·13,801 浏览量·#baby
Videographer Daniel Vatamanu
苏恰瓦, 罗马尼亚


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