To Rome With Love
Wedding Story by www.danieledonatifilms.com
Wedding Planner: feteny.com/ | Planning: Jung Lee | New York
Destination wedding from New York to Rome: Alex Van Hoek and Kylie Gattinella
Church: Basilica Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome | Italy
Wedding Venues: Castello di Ceri, Rome - Molto restaurant, Parioli, Rome and La Posta Vecchia, Ladispoli, Rome
Photography: briandorseystudios.com/ | Brian Dorsey | New York
September 15/16/17, 2016
Wedding Planner: feteny.com/ | Planning: Jung Lee | New York
Destination wedding from New York to Rome: Alex Van Hoek and Kylie Gattinella
Church: Basilica Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome | Italy
Wedding Venues: Castello di Ceri, Rome - Molto restaurant, Parioli, Rome and La Posta Vecchia, Ladispoli, Rome
Photography: briandorseystudios.com/ | Brian Dorsey | New York
September 15/16/17, 2016