6 / 12
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - True espousal, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Love is the only way to be happy, drone-video, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - When the ocean finds the calm, event, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Havva and Sinan - Wedding Teaser, drone-video, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Iryna & Philipp - Wedding Teaser, drone-video, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Gunz Live Band - Official Music Promo, musical video
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Svitlana & Michael - Wedding Teaser, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Just be near, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - SDE - 06.08.2016, SDE, event, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Sincerity of feelings, event, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Come true pleasure, event, wedding
来自 捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰 的摄像师 Twix Production - Let feelings bloom, wedding

Gunz Live Band - Official Music Promo

Gunz Live Band (Ternopil, Ukraine)
Official Promo 2015

Filmed by Twix Production
·8,092 浏览量·#musical video
Studio Twix Production
捷尔诺波尔, 乌克兰


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