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来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Elisa and Davide Wedding Video Trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Elisa and Daniele Wedding video trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Francesca and Giovanni Wedding video trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Elena e Antonio Wedding video trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - "Love you can only experience" Anna and Luca Wedding Video Trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Martina And Gianluca Wedding Video Trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Martina e Panos Wedding Video Trailer in Tuscany, wedding
来自 里窝那, 意大利 的摄像师 Marco Del Lucchese - Elena and Roberto Wedding video in tuscany, wedding

Elisa and Daniele Wedding video trailer in Tuscany

Elisa and Daniele's wedding has been celebrated in the Church of Santa Maria degli Scalzi in Pisa and the venue took place at Villa Bernardini, in the countryside of Lucca, an historic villa from the fifteenth century.

The lemon house and the italian style garden were the location choosen byt he couple for the apertif and dinner.

The wedding film has a documentary style, we a lot of original audio to help the couple reminding their best days ever.

We loved their interview where they told us about their love story.

Please check for availability getting in touch with marco@wemovies.it

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·2,741 浏览量·#wedding
Videographer Marco Del Lucchese
里窝那, 意大利


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