16 / 25
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - I Love You to the Moon and Back - Leidy | Ashvin, drone-video, engagement, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-8-17 — 23
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - Throw my name into the Fire, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - Enough For You, reporting, showreel, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-6-12 — 18
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - The Life to Come, engagement, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-1-10 — 16
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO, SDE, advertising, engagement, erotic, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-5-6 — 12
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - Romantic Getaway - Cinematic Stories, advertising, corporate video, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - Time will not be enough, engagement, showreel, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - Giorgia e Alfonso - Cinematic Trailer, advertising, backstage, event, showreel, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - Let the Dream Begin, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - We're lying on the Moon, engagement, reporting, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - ALESSANDRA E GIANNI - Cinematic Trailer, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - The Chaos Theory - Cinematic Stories, drone-video, engagement, reporting, showreel, wedding
来自 拉察, 意大利 的摄像师 Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio - AMOR VINCIT OMNIA ~ Alessandra + Alessio ~, drone-video, reporting, wedding

Time will not be enough

Rachele | Matteo
·2,084 浏览量·#engagement#showreel#wedding
Videographer Fabio Bola - Feelm Studio
拉察, 意大利


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