79 / 85
Winner of the Battle of the week
2024-8-25 — 31
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Festa aziendale anni 20 a Hotel Ripa, corporate video
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-10-10 — 16
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - C. Cristea & Alessia M. - White Christmas, musical video
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-10-3 — 9
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Elena Lazar - Rockin around the Christmas tree, musical video
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-7-10 — 16
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Lucian & Moni - Highlights, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-8-26 — 9-1
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Angelo & Ruxandra - SDE, SDE, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-8-16 — 22
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Marius & Loredana - Highlights - 25.05.2019, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-9-12 — 18
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Trupa 9 - LIVE, musical video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-9-17 — 23
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Making Of on the Lake, backstage
Winner of the Battle of the week
2024-10-29 — 11-4
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Biagio & Anna - Highlights (2016), SDE, drone-video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2024-11-4 — 10
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - DANIELE  &  VALENTINA  - HIGHLIGHTS (2015), SDE, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2024-11-8 — 14
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Nicolaie & Mariana (2016) - coming soon, baby, engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2024-10-31 — 11-6
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - Best of 2015, advertising, backstage, drone-video, musical video, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2024-11-6 — 12
来自 罗马, 意大利 的摄像师 Axinte Films - the Dream - Love Story (2014), engagement, event, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2023-9-12 — 18

Trupa 9 - LIVE

Trupa 9 este unul dintre cele mai faine grupuri muzicale ce le-am intalnit de-a lungul carierei. Am avut prilejul de a-i intalni la un eveniment din Suceava, unde am ascultat un repertoriu inedit, amplu si care acopera o gama foarte larga de genuri muzicale, precum pop, rock, dance, house, reggae, latino, funk, hip-hop, blues, soul, balcanic rock și folclor.
Trupa 9 are un repertoriu ce depaseste 250 de piese.

video: Marius Axinte | Marian Pricope
fotograf: Ovidiu Lesan | Ovidiu Lesan Photographer
·2,802 浏览量·#musical video#wedding
Videographer Axinte Films
罗马, 意大利


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