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来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 Ilidio Cardoso  Photography - Teaser Cátia e Hugo, SDE, engagement, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 Ilidio Cardoso  Photography - Love Story- Rafaela e Nelson, engagement, wedding
来自 波尔图, 葡萄牙 的摄像师 Ilidio Cardoso  Photography - Engagement- Patrícia e Leonel, engagement, wedding

Engagement- Patrícia e Leonel

Football, Horses and Sand..three elements that make part of this couple love story.
·2,080 浏览量·#engagement#wedding
摄像师 Ilidio Cardoso  Photography
波尔图, 葡萄牙


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    • Videographer Alex Ost
      Good Job , Congratulations !!!
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