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来自 布达佩斯, 匈牙利 的摄像师 E-motion Produkcio - Évi & Dani - Same Day Edit, SDE
来自 布达佩斯, 匈牙利 的摄像师 E-motion Produkcio - Niki + Roli Wedding Highlights, wedding
来自 布达佩斯, 匈牙利 的摄像师 E-motion Produkcio - Onyx Restaurant Budapest, corporate video
来自 布达佩斯, 匈牙利 的摄像师 E-motion Produkcio - Marina + Tan // Same Day Edit, wedding

Onyx Restaurant Budapest

Onyx Restaurant is a Michelin star restaurant in the center of Budapest. Their revolutionary Hungarian kitchen, the restaurant\'s location and interior design, and the professional service is making this restaurant one of the bests in Hungary. I was honoured to make their promotional film what was a big challenge, not only because of the constant hunger I felt during shooting and editing:-)
·61,516 浏览量·#corporate video
Studio E-motion Produkcio
布达佩斯, 匈牙利


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