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来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Evaggelos Vamvakos - Dionisis and Ioanna, drone-video, engagement, wedding
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Evaggelos Vamvakos - George & Dimitra Wedding, anniversary, drone-video, engagement, erotic, wedding
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Evaggelos Vamvakos - Aris & Evaggelia First Look..., drone-video, engagement, erotic, wedding
来自 萨罗尼加, 希腊 的摄像师 Evaggelos Vamvakos - Giannis & Christianna Wedding, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding

Aris & Evaggelia First Look...

Love and emotion were the prevailing feelings in the marriage of Aris and Evaggelia. The bride arrived at the church by motorcycle, looking great with the romantic boho wedding dress, with Aris affectionately at first look. The reception that followed the mystery was a feast with all the relatives and friends to participate in the happiness of the beautiful couple.
Videographer Evaggelos Vamvakos
萨罗尼加, 希腊


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