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来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Romances • Valerio & Elisa//Sicily, drone-video, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Romances • Daniele & Gabriella//Lipari’s Island, drone-video, engagement, event, reporting, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Romances • Mattia & Flavia/Sicily -Cefalù-, drone-video, engagement, event, invitation, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Romances • Elena & Oliver//Salina's Island, drone-video, engagement, event, invitation, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - The time is eternity - Vivian & Joe, event, reporting, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Romances • Claudia & Rodolphe //Panarea's Island, drone-video, engagement, event, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Symétrie d’amour - Clarissa & Jasper, wedding
来自 墨西拿, 意大利 的摄像师 Gabriele Crisafulli - Lucia & Robert // Sicily, Italy, wedding

Symétrie d’amour - Clarissa & Jasper

✦ The Land and the Sea, two lovers. Colours melted with ceramics. Flowers and whispers. Sicily Is a breathtaking place for an intimate wedding, good food and moments that last Forever. ✦
·2,938 浏览量·#wedding
Videographer Gabriele Crisafulli
墨西拿, 意大利


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