4 / 14
Winner of the Battle of the week
2022-1-21 — 27
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Katarzyna i Sebastian [wedding short film], wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2021-8-22 — 28
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Basia i Szymon [wedding short film] 4k, SDE, drone-video, engagement, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2021-12-19 — 25
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Stylized Session, SDE, drone-video, wedding
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Kinga i Rafał [wedding short film], SDE, drone-video, event, reporting, wedding
Winner of the Battle of the week
2021-8-31 — 9-6
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Oliwia i Maciej [wedding short film], SDE, drone-video, wedding
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Paulina i Radosław [wedding short movie], SDE, engagement, reporting, wedding
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Anna i Rodrigo [wedding short movie], SDE, wedding
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Martyna i Piotr [love movie], engagement, wedding
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Marta i Michał [Coming soon], engagement, wedding
来自 比得哥煦, 波兰 的摄像师 WOJ WIT - Ewa i Damian [Coming soon], SDE, engagement, wedding

Kinga i Rafał [wedding short film]

Kinga i Rafał [wedding short film]
Wojwit cinematic wedding film

Reception place: Pałac Witaszyce i Muzeum Dwóch Imperiów www.palacwitaszyce.com.pl
1st Unit DP: Adam Witkowski
2nd Unit DP: Tomasz Kermit
Editor: Adam Witkowski
Photographers: Świetliste.pl
Decorations: Kaprys Art
Music: BellaNotte profesjonalny zespół muzyczny
Lights: Bella-Arte - ciężki dym, napis Love i dekoracja światłem
Makeup: Anacare

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Videographer WOJ WIT
比得哥煦, 波兰


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