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来自 泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Adrian Anghel - Flares -  Alina & Ahmed, wedding
来自 泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Adrian Anghel - Towards You - Anita & Andreas, wedding
来自 泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚 的摄像师 Adrian Anghel - You Colour Me - Oana & Matei, wedding

Towards You - Anita & Andreas

Towards You - Trailer
with Anita and Andreas

Directed by AnghelBrothers
Filmaker: Adrian Anghel
Graded with Filmconvert + Custom Preset

Photographer: Radu Dumitrescu
Wedding Planer: Gabriela Goia
Location: Vila Trevi

#wedding #weddingday #new #newclip #brideandgroom #anghelbrothers #beautifulbride #videographer #weddingvideography #color #colorgrading #sony #fs700
·2,680 浏览量·#wedding
摄像师 Adrian Anghel
泰梅什堡, 罗马尼亚


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