People Choice

116 名参赛者
An award determined by a broad spectrum of viewers, from brides to videography colleagues and the general public. People cast their vote for the video that touches them the most.
Selection criteria
One real wedding.
Minimum 2 minutes. 最多 5 分钟。


Paul Palladino (佛罗伦萨, 意大利)
Natalya Balan (敖德萨, 乌克兰)
Axinte Films (罗马, 意大利)
OMEGA Studio (敖德萨, 乌克兰)
Giovanni Tancredi (波坦察, 意大利)
In Oblivion Films (雅典, 希腊)
Alessio Barbieri (热那亚, 意大利)
Daniel Forcos (布加勒斯特, 罗马尼亚)
Latricotosa Films (萨拉曼卡, 西班牙)
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