Videographer Marcoabba Videography

Videographer Marcoabba Videography

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Tổng điểm dành cho 20 video hàng đầu trong 2 năm qua

Về tôi

Mức giá:Standard
Marco Abbatangelo aka Marcoabba, born in 1980 in Milan.
Since 2004 as assistant photographer for weddings and fashion events, here he understood the importance managing the "light", learning to get to know the tools used: camera, lights and different flashes: everything in manual mode.
In 2007 he begun to produce videos for weddings and fashion backstage and in 2009 did the jump to the video cinema, in which he could finally merge his great passion for photography with his love for music.
Thành viên của WEVSY.COM từ ngày 18 tháng 2, 2013