Videographer Cosmin Bleoca

Videographer Cosmin Bleoca

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Tổng điểm dành cho 20 video hàng đầu trong 2 năm qua

Về tôi

My cameras which I use: Panasonic Mirrorless.
Our mission is to connect and transform hearts through storytelling of your special event or celebration..
We will take the time to discuss your vision of an exceptional day and fully prepare to capture all of the highlights. We’ll make it possible for you to recall the fun, the laughter and the sentimental moments of your special event. We take time with the little details to ensure that we bring your vision to life.
In this way, you can look back on and share, over and over again your beautiful event.
Thành viên của WEVSY.COM từ ngày 29 tháng 1, 2017