Videographer Zet  Art

Videographer Zet Art

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Tổng điểm dành cho 20 video hàng đầu trong 2 năm qua

Về tôi

Mức giá:Cao cấp
My cameras which I use: Sony Mirrorless.

I’m Zoli, member of: Image Professionals Association, Art Photographer Association of Romania, Worldwide Event Videographers Association; I have a 20-year TV career, working as a correspondent cameraman for Antena 1, Prima Tv, TVR 2 (Aeroshow), Realitatea Tv, Kanal D, as a director of photography at NCN Tv and as a partner cameraman of Romanian Aeroclub.

Television & Photo Composition Course: British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) – 1998
Digital Photography Course: Harvard University, Certified via Advanced Learning Interactive System – 2017

In 2007, I have won an important national and international film festival, in 2013, I have won a national film festival and in 2014, another important national and international film festival.

My achievements give you the confidence you need. With me, you’ll get the guarantee of a very well done work! There is no second chance getting it right! I am a premium cameraman and I provide premium services!
Nihil Sine Art! Zet Art!
Thành viên của WEVSY.COM từ ngày 10 tháng 1, 2017