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Videographer Gloria Kurnik đến từ NEW HOPE: Wayang Kulit, reporting
Videographer Gloria Kurnik đến từ Coming Home, advertising
Videographer Gloria Kurnik đến từ Reel 2013, reporting, showreel

NEW HOPE: Wayang Kulit

A story of the unusual fusion of the iconic Star Wars and the traditional shadow play called wayang kulit.
Now a new hope is rising for that disappearing art.
Published on Wall Street Journal here: online.wsj.com/articles/star-wars-as-a-shadow-play-1404383321

// Camera : Canon 6D, Canon 5D Mark II
// Lenses : Canon 100 2.8 IS, Canon 17-40mm, Sigma 50mm 1.4
// Editing/Grading : After Effects, Premiere Pro
Director/DP/Editor/Producer: Gloria Kurnik

Greatest thanks to all those who are pushing the "Peperangan Bintang" project forward and especially to Tintoy Chuo, Take Huat, Pak Dain and Ahmad Azrai whom I interviewed.
·18.710 views·#reporting
Videographer Gloria Kurnik
Bangkok, Thái Lan

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