35 participants
Selection criteria
Videos with any storyline can be submitted to this category, the only condition is that they have to be shot during a wedding walk.


PRO-AUTHOR (Opole, Ba Lan)
Artem Korchagin (Nizhny Novgorod, Nga)
Baba 3D Studio (Xcốp-pi-ê, Bắc Macedonia)
Yulia Vopilova (Bu-ê-nốt Ai-rết, Ác-hen-ti-na)
StudioBlitz (Bu-ca-rét, Ru-ma-ni)
FilmLOOK Studio (Vác-sa-va, Ba Lan)
. . (Saint Petersburg, Nga)
Nelson Coelho (Lúc-xăm-bua, Lúc-xăm-bua)
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