Videographer Devyn Mollica

Videographer Devyn Mollica

Кількість перемог в головних конкурсах
Відео дня
Вибір редакції
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Сумарний бал за 20 найрейтинговіших відео за останні два роки

Про мене

Цінова категорія:Standard
My cameras which I use: Інше Інше, DJI Drone.
We are more than just wedding videographers, we are storytellers at heart. We focus on the substance and meaning of your wedding day. When telling your story, we try to do so as authentically as possible, capturing the essence of who you are as a couple. We love working with couples who are down for an adventure and will let us into their intimate moments.
Користувач WEVSY.COM з 22 жовтня 2018 р.