Videographer Denis Hajdari

Videographer Denis Hajdari

Кількість перемог в головних конкурсах
Відео дня
Вибір редакції
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Сумарний бал за 20 найрейтинговіших відео за останні два роки

Про мене

Цінова категорія:Budget
My cameras which I use: Sony Бездзеркальна, DJI Drone.
I am dedicated and committed to the latest videography techniques and equipment, and offer state of the art videography gear and professional editing; in order to deliver the best service, I regularly attend professional videography courses (mostly online). Despite being up to speed with the latest, my goal is to film with authenticity but with the use of special effects.
My main camera which I use Sony A7RIII , but I also use Di Mavic Pro. I mainly edit through Adobe Premiere Pro, but also use After Effects.
Користувач WEVSY.COM з 5 квітня 2019 р.