Studio Jorsh Sarmiento

Studio Jorsh Sarmiento

Кількість перемог в головних конкурсах
Відео дня
Вибір редакції
Number of winnings in the Battles of the week
Сумарний бал за 20 найрейтинговіших відео за останні два роки

Про мене

Цінова категорія:Standard
My cameras which I use: Sony Бездзеркальна, Sony Cinema.
Hello, we are Elena and Jorsh a marriage who lives to tell stories. Love life documented. We are moved by faith, love and art. We believe that through photography can freeze any moment forever.
We love what we do and we feel privileged for it. Every moment is an experience, a wonderful memory every photograph, every video a way to return to live and breathe in a timeless world.
We firmly believe that without love there is no light and no light ... nothing exists.
We are love
We are light
We are Lightwalkers
Користувач WEVSY.COM з 14 жовтня 2016 р.